
Showing posts from 2012

Think positive , create positive attitude x]

The Power of Positive Thinking , is much more than you can imagine x] A positive mind anticipates happiness, joy, health and a successful result. Positive thinking is a mental attitude, that you should work on daily , in order to get good result at the end . here are some easy steps to think and stay positive : - Surround yourself with positive energy , communicate with friends who can motivate you to go forward . - This is your life , do what you want and do it often . - Make a decision to think for yourself and to take responsibility for your attitude. - Start questioning yourself on your negative behavior and attitude : each time you catch yourself in a circumstance that brings about negativity and doubts, stop and resist this bad habit !  - Tell yourself , everything will work out  - Things will get better  - You are important - You are worthy of great things  - You are loveable - You can be who you really are  - The best is yet to come - You are strong , you

'' The more I know people,The more I like #animals '' #Hachiko

I always say that whenever I meet human beings, sometimes (some human beings in order to not generalize :) ) my love for animals becomes huge ! Why ? Because I think ,unfortunately,nowadays,the loyality for some people became something related to " stupid " . Even kindness ,some of us ,gets rid of good values ,that I believe we had in the past more than what we had now ,sometimes we compare people, in the past to people in the present because we care, less about each other than before   , it seems that nobody cares for nobody !  Today I watched a movie ,that I think it was worth of watching ,a movie based on a true story , called " Hachiko " ! A movie full of meanings and values from an animal towards his owner ! What came to my mind is my special quote , lol : ' ' The more I know people,The more I like animals '' Sometimes animals gives lessons to people ! I'm sure many of you would have heard about the movie or the real story , an

C'est justement la possibilité de réaliser un rêve , qui rend la vie intéressante

Après une absence, je reviens encore à écrire, au moins ça va me remonter le moral, et d'encourager ceux qui sont dans la même situation que moi, bien sûr, nous avons toujours besoin de motivation, de temps en temps, pour continuer le long de la route et ne pas abandonner. N'abandonnez pas vos rêves alors que vous êtes en vie sur cette terre,    Ce sont eux qui vous donnent une bonne raison de vous lever le matin C'est ainsi Cohelo Paulo a dit : c'est justement la possibilité de réaliser un rêve , qui rend la vie intéressante . Parfois , on essaye de réaliser nos rêves mais nous ne pouvions pas atteindre le sommet,ne soyez pas triste   au moins, vous avez essayé,d'atteindre ce que vous avez voulu réaliser. Par chance je suis tombé sur cette vidéo qui m'a inspiré , jusqu'à ce que j'aie les larmes aux yeux .. , Derek Redmond , après avoir déchiré son muscle ischio-jambiers dans le

"Past is a good place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay."

"Past is a good place to visit but certainly not a good place to stay."   We go through bad experiences in our life, we want to move forward ,but we stay prisoners of the past ! The memories that we make in life with the people and the things that we adore in each moment are memories that we should cherish for the rest of our lives.These memories could be bad for some people ,for some others ,they are the best memories they ever had in life .However ,the point is to turn this sweet or bad memories to a motivation ,in order to move on in your life . Memories are made for us to be able to look back upon, and appreciate times that were good, and to learn from times that were bad, and also to help us overcome situations that arise in our present and future that we have answers to because of the things that we experienced in our pasts. Are you prisoner of your past ? If you were through a bad experience like divorce , breaking a relationship in which your partner

La vie est un cadeau :-)

Dans la vie,il y'a des moments où une personne te manque beaucoup, et tu voudrais la faire sortir de tes rêves pour la serrer très fort dans tes bras ! Quand une porte du bonheur se ferme,une autre s'ouvre,mais nous,nous continuons à regarder la porte fermée et nous n'accordons pas d'importance à celle que nous venons d'ouvrir . Ne te fie pas aux apparences: elles sont souvent trompeuses, ne t'intéresse pas à la richesse;elle disparaîtra . Chercher quelqu'un qui te communique le rire car il suffit d'un seul pour que la journée la plus triste devienne meilleure . Cherche quelqu'un qui fasse rire ton coeur. -Rêve ce que tu désires rêver. -Vas là où tu désires rêver. -cherche d'être ce que tu désires être . Parce que la vie est unique et il n'existe qu'une possibilité de faire les choses que nous voulons faire. Les chanceux n'ont pas forcément le meilleur du  meilleur. Ils cherchent simplement le meilleur de ce qu&#

Are you a prisoner of your past ?

We go through bad experiences in our life, we want to move forward ,but we stay prisoners of the past  !   How you find out that you are a prisoner of your past ? --> Here is : some conclusions and advices  I made from my own experience =)  If you were  through a bad experience like divorce , breaking a relationship in which your partner let you down ,or being betrayed in a friendship ... In order , to know wether, you are prisonner of this deception or not you should take some time and see how you act ,if you find yourself classifying everyone in the same class as you classified your partner or an  ex friend who betrayed you, than be sure that you didn't get over your bad experience , and these people who does not  deserve even your thoughts, are  influencing your life ,in order to get over this , you should make sure that you forgive them even if they were the worst persons, you had ever  met ,if you can't , forgive yourself for being with them ,the day when you reali