Are you a prisoner of your past ?

We go through bad experiences in our life, we want to move forward ,but we stay prisoners of the past ! How you find out that you are a prisoner of your past ? --> Here is : some conclusions and advices I made from my own experience =) If you were through a bad experience like divorce , breaking a relationship in which your partner let you down ,or being betrayed in a friendship ... In order , to know wether, you are prisonner of this deception or not you should take some time and see how you act ,if you find yourself classifying everyone in the same class as you classified your partner or an ex friend who betrayed you, than be sure that you didn't get over your bad experience , and these people who does not deserve even your thoughts, are influencing your life ,in order to get over this , you should make sure that you forgive them even if they were the worst persons, you had ever met ,if you can't , forgive yourself for bei...